Hiware Bazar: The Water Miracle

Hiware Bazar (Ahmednagar): Amid the desperate denizens scrounging for water in the drought-affected parts of Maharashtra stands a village which has not felt the need to call a single water tanker -in fact, it hasn't called for one since 1995. While other villages in the arid Ahmednagar district are digging borewells even up to 400 …

Harnessing the Power of the Tides

What is Tidal Power? Tidal power is a form of renewable energy that converts that natural ebb and flow of the Earth’s tides into electricity. Consider that the Earth’s tidal patterns are fairly regular, given normal weather. It would not be difficult to determine the locations most appropriate for the production of this type of …

Kauai Solar Farm

Islands in the Pacific Ocean are some of the most practical places to install solar panels. Since there’s no natural gas pipeline or rail line to haul in coal, islands like Kauai in Hawaii have traditionally generated electricity by shipping in many barrels of diesel fuel. These days, because so many residences and businesses have …

Floating Solar Farm

China has some of the worst air pollutions in the world. In several cities, thick layers of smog are common, resulting in thousands of deaths every year. According to a 2016 study, the top contributor of air pollution-related deaths in China is the burning of coal. The team of Chinese and American researchers behind the study said that pollution …