Year in Review – 2022

Continuing last year's tradition, I recorded key events, activities, book reviews, and travels of this year using Instagram stories. This is my attempt to piece them together. Key events & activities: I tried cross-country skiing for the first time since I moved to Norway in July 2021. I genuinely think it is probably one of …

December 2021- January 2022 reading list

'Dune — the graphic novel (book 1)'. I picked interest in this book after watching the 'Dune (2021)' movie directed by Denis Villeneuve. Originally written by the legendary Frank Herbert, and adapted by his elder son Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson, this book gives an extraordinary overview of the house Atreides' life on planet …

The Lost Forest

The Lost Forest documents a scientific expedition to a mountain forest in northern Mozambique which has never been visited before by biologists, and even the local people know of no-one who has been to the forest because one has to rock climb a vertical cliff to reach it. The series was bought by National Geographic and …

Real Heroes

Who is a hero? “A hero can be anyone. Even a man who is doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a young boy’s shoulders to let him know the world hadn’t ended.” – Batman, The Dark Knight Rises (2012) This is a very famous quote, from one of my favourite …