The Crude World

John D. Rockefeller, the king of the crude industry, revolutionised oil industry like no other person did. Before the revolution of oil, steel industry and railroads were shaping the American economy. When Colonel Edwin Drake drilled the first successful oil well in Titusville, Pennsylvania in 1859, few had any idea of how petroleum would change …

The Wheel

The wheel: where would we be without this rotating wonder? The wheel allows us to perform a huge number of tasks, everything from using shopping carts to rumbling your sports car around the race course, from children’s toys to huge aeroplanes everything employs wheels. Wheels have made it easier for all of us to travel. …

The Inventions That Shaped Our World: Agriculture

The invention of agriculture depicts the story of domestication of plants and animals and the development of techniques used for raising them productively. The agriculture is all about the development of producing food, fibres, fuels and domestication of animals. Agriculture helped humans to develop their colonies and allowing them to stay at one location for …

Human Evolution- II

This blog post is little different than others. The process of human evolution is very hard to explain in detail in two blog posts so I’ve tried to summarise only important steps in evolution, their timelines along with their physical characteristics. The following tables are sorted according to the stages in human evolution. Hope you …