Floating Solar Farm

China has some of the worst air pollutions in the world. In several cities, thick layers of smog are common, resulting in thousands of deaths every year. According to a 2016 study, the top contributor of air pollution-related deaths in China is the burning of coal. The team of Chinese and American researchers behind the study said that pollution …

Iceland’s Sustainable Energy Story

In an era when climate change is making it necessary for countries around the world to implement sustainable energy solutions, Iceland presents a unique situation. Today, almost 100 percent of the electricity consumed in this small country of 330,000 people comes from renewable energy. In addition, 9 out of every 10 houses are heated directly …

Warka Tower: Harvesting Water from Thin Air

In some parts of Ethiopia, finding potable water is a six-hour journey.People in the region spend 40 billion hours a year trying to find and collect water, says a group called the Water Project. And even when they find it, the water is often not safe, collected from ponds or lakes teeming with infectious bacteria, contaminated with animal waste or other harmful …

Wildpoldsried’s Energiewende (Energy Transition)

In Bavaria (southern Germany), a small town is breaking energy records. Wildpoldsried, a Bavarian village of about 2,600 residents, is leading the way in Germany’s extraordinary renewable energy transformation. Over the past 18 years, the village has invested in a holistic range of renewable energy projects that include 4,983 kWp of photovoltaics, five biogas facilities, 11 wind turbines and a hydropower system. As …

The Rjukan Sun

“Everything is achievable through technology, better living, robust health and for the first time in human history, the possibility of world peace.” Howard Stark said that in the movie Ironman- II.  Although we haven’t achieved the world peace yet, we have achieved many remarkable things with the help of technology. But why I am saying …